apply for low cost

For people on benefit or limited income, lower cost counselling and psychotherapy is available with associate therapists at Spiral. Some are experienced trainees, and some are qualified. They offer shorter and longer term counselling and psychotherapy on a regular weekly basis at specific times.


All our associate therapists are either student or full members of a professional therapy organisation, and work in accordance with their codes of ethics and practice. Each therapist meets regularly with one of Spiral’s experienced supervisors, to monitor the progress of the sessions and to ensure the highest professional standards. Both therapist and supervisor are bound by the professional ethics of confidentiality. Within this confidential context, several of our therapists in training are required to tape record some or all of their sessions. No one will be required to have sessions recorded if they object, but it may mean a longer wait to see someone.

Fees are usually between £11 and £60 per 50 minute session, depending on your circumstances. Fees are subject to occasional small increases. To keep fees low, payment is weekly, even for missed sessions, except on bank holidays or when the therapist is absent.

You can also use the "Counselling and Psychotherapy at Reasonable Fees" link on the right for a list of our more experienced therapists who may be accepting new clients.



Applying for low cost therapy
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